Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Petition for Pro-life

Student: Bethany Brauer
Professor: Meagan Akins
Sandbox, COM 105 122

Persuasive Speech

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to petition for pro-life.

Central Idea: By petitioning for pro-life, we as the youth can help save humans from being killed and stand for morality.

               I.              [attention] states, “From Roe v. Wade in 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions were performed in the United Stats – an average of about 1.4 million abortions per year.” 1.4 million babies are killed yearly.

            II.              The debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal choice continues to divide Americans long after the US Supreme Court’s decision on Roe V. Wade.
         III.              I know many people look at pro-life and see freedom taken away from a woman. But when I analyze abortion I see the rights taken away from the baby as well rights taken away from the father. With the issue of abortion, the fight for freedom represses others. I am here today, to be the voice for the unspeakable.

         IV.              I am not asking y’all to go out and grab your picket signs and protest abortion clinics and stand on streets yelling for pro-life. I am simply asking y’all to take action and help create change by signing a petition for Pro-life.

               I.              [NEED]

A.         I know many people look at pro-life and see freedom taken away from the mother. In Society, we believe that a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body which is true but when the moment the sperm and egg unite it is no longer only the woman's body. The baby has it's own rights as well. With pregnancy it is no longer just the mother who is affected but also another human, the fetus.

1.           National Geographic Channel aired a segment called “In the Womb” displaying what is going on as the fetus grows. The episode states, "The two cells gradually and gracefully become one. This is the moment of conception, when an individual's unique set of DNA is created, a human signature that never existed before and will never be repeated."

a.           No matter what a human is a human. Once the sperm and ovum unite together the fertilization of the ovum occurs and a new human life begins. Humans can only create another human.
B.         A New York Times article, “Abortion restrictions in the States” gives information on the amount of weeks it is legal to perform an abortion. The number of weeks ranges from 6 weeks and under to no restrictions at all. 1 state has a restriction of 6 weeks, 1 state has the restriction of 12 weeks, 2 states has the restriction of 20 weeks, 8 states has the restriction of 22 weeks, 26 states has the restriction of 24-26weeks, 3 states has a restriction of 28 weeks, and 9 states has no restrictions.
1.           On March 18th, a woman was lured into a basement responding to a craigslist offer on baby clothes. As she was in the basement 34 year Dynel Lane stabbed the 7 month nearly 8 month pregnant 26 year old mother removing the fetus. Since Colorado has no restrictions on abortion, this crime cannot be considered a homicide. Fox news reports “Lane is being held on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder, first-degree assault and child abuse knowingly and recklessly resulting in death.” Although Lane has many charged against her, not only the murdered baby but as well as the baby’s mother and family will never be given the deserved justice.
C.         The size of a fetus and the fact that it can’t live outside the mother’s womb does not justify abortion.  
1.           The fact is, we all continue to go until our early twenties. A toddler nor a five year old can be self-sufficient either, but does that justify the murder of a two year old or a five year old? So what is the difference?

D.         On my survey I asked, "In your opinion, what would be a reason(s) an abortion should be performed?" some of y'all answered with "if the baby or mom wouldn't make it, unwanted/unplanned pregnancy, or if the mom can't support the baby financially" but the most common answer was if the women was raped. Adoption is a choice anyone can make. America’s Adoption Agency says “For a woman, unexpectedly learning that she is pregnant can be one of the most stressful times she can ever endure. The pregnancy can halt her education, career and other goals she may have. Furthermore, she may not have the finances of a partner in her life to help raise the child, making her situation more difficult.”

1.           In all of these answers abortion is not the only solution. A pregnancy is not a "either-or fallacy" there is another choice besides abortion, the baby can be given up for adoption.

a.           Rape is a serious thing and it can cause serious psychological problems and can result in pregnancy. Taking a horrible, unfair crime and being given something you didn't ask for may seem scary but committing a tragedy out of a tragedy is not the only answer. Giving a baby up for adoption not only saves a life but it also gives others the chance to have a child.

            II.              [Satisfaction]  As a younger generation, we can stand for individual rights of all ages and of all sizes – we can stand for all humans – the ones that can voice their opinion and the one’s who voice needs to be spoken through others. We can encourage pro-life and stand up for life by petitioning.

         III.              [Visualization] Some of y’all may be wondering does petitioning really work? It is a fair question to ask. says politicians care about public opinion and “petitions are often the best indicator politicians will receive of where the public stands on the issue.” By signing a petition, you can save a life. You can save a number of the 1.4 million babies aborted every year. You could be the one signature needed to make a change.


               I.              [ Action] I am urging you to take a stand. Take a stand for the sanctity of life, take a stand for the unborn, take a stand for the ones that need support, and take a stand for the innocent conceived in violence.

            II.              Save a life, petition for pro-life. Thank you.

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