Wednesday, April 29, 2015


i feel- emotional/gut
I think- logic/evidence
I believe-evidence/confidence
I know-evidence

I believe…….
that anyone is capable to accomplish their dreams (reasonable/scientific proven)
that kindness changes a person’s day
a single smile can brighten up at least one person
your attitude affects your performance
that everyone can do better
it is my responsibility to make others feel welcome
that a person is not truly compassionate without humanitarian work
faith alone can save you

Walking up and down the hallways you see two types of people: the one with a glommy look and the other with a smile. When yu passss the person with a frown yu kinda feel down. But whe you pass someone with a smile it encourages you and wants you to smile. Smiles are a good way to make yourself approachable. I believe those eho smile more are the ones who always have a group a people around them or are easier to spark a conversation with. In Community College it is really hard to meet peole becasue you daily have a routine of coming to school and leaving. Instead of investing yourself into those around you in classes and n the hallway. Why do people alwasy have music in? to avoid conversation at least thats why I do it becaseu I am sick and tired of small talk i want soemthing more. A smile tells people you are interseted in them. Even while taliking, you need to show emotion through smiling so the person doesnt feel like they are talking to a brick wall. Yu need to let them know that what they are sayinf is interesting and you want to hear more. I believe this beaeu i have experienced it. Lasts semester i wasted my life as MSU i didnt interact with others. I has to get use to college life away from my family and i ended up isolating myself. The one thing that made me want to reach out to others was when i was greetted with a smile instaead of seeing the top of someones head as they walked passsed. So, i would smile at otehres as i walked to class and it made my day when they would return the smile with a smile and a hello. As i sat doen for calss, i would smile and spark conversations with the students around me. Even though the people i sat with were different from me in tastes of music, movies, and lifestyle we always hasd something to talk about. I am a very awkard person and it gives me pain to sit in awkward silence but i dread being the first to speak up becasue i dont want to make a fool of myself so instead i smile and then compliment someone.

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