My Grandpa was probably the funniest yet scariest persn I have ever met. He would always crack jokes and play timeless pranks but as he grew older and sicker the medicine effected his moods. He will always be the jokster to me but the part of him being a grumpy old man was also a big part in his life. He passed away when I was forteen to lung and throa tcancer. he wsa sick for so long bt he handled hwith jokes and joy. He never once seemed sorrowful infront og us grandkids. That to me is the bravest thing a person to do, get through the pain to stop the worrying of his children and grandchildren. I wish my life was centered around him more because if I knew i would lode him before I got my iscese and high school graduation I would have made a point in my life to mkae sure he was a part of the small things in my life. Looki g back now I can remmeber a ffew small things he let me do. He saw me drive for the first time as he was in the passenger seat when I was seven down old country roads and he saw me change over ht e years fom a small child to a high schooler. I was only in high school for exactly one week when I was taken out of cheer practice early and taken to my friends house after we found out about hi passing. It was so hard because he swas the olny person I knew so weell to die in my family. My Grandad died when I was four s o I dont even remmeber what was going on. I miss him everyday especially on holidays becasue he alqays made a point o make them special in his own way with his loving caring heart. He dressed up as Santa on Chistmas day and gave us presents. After his passing we didnt have hristmas the same way anymore. But since my sister has two kids my dad and mom decided to take on the tradition and legecy my grandpa ledt behind to mkke my nephews Christmas’ just as my grandpa made it special to us.
He was sick for so long but he handled it with jokes and joy.Cancer destroyed my Grandpa physically but mentaaly he never once showed weakness in front of me. I would here a few groans from the pain but he never said he was hurting becasue he knew he needed to stay strong for not only me but for the rest of my family. My Nana also sufered from cancer but she had surgery and is now cancer free. So, through the pain my grandpa went through he saw my nan suffering. He was the rock to our family. He kept everyone in line an d kept us all togeher as one big happy family. I could not imagine my grandpa having to have a harder task in life than being the strongest person while he was physically the weakest person out of out faily. Even though he is gone now, I can reminesc and justremember hat all good things come to an end but its how you go out in the end that matters. He ws a great influence in my life in our faith and values. I always new I could go to him for wisdom. I just wish he was here with me now hat i am older and actually need the wisdom he had. I know onot to taek a single breath or a single person for granted becsue eventualy we will lose them. I have hope in when I will see my Grandpa again. Honestly, thats the only thing I can hold onto is the hope of the second coming and the ho faith that I will be reunited with lost loved ones and friends. Impacting someones life is possibly the easiest ting you can do but its what you do with it that changes the person. You can influence them poorl or influence them greatly. Its your choice. Im glad and very thankful my grandpa chose joy over sorrow becasue it would have been so hard for us to see sorowful in his waiting for death. It would have bee n depressing for everyone in my family. But thats bnot who my randpa was. He was the greatest man and I can only hope for a husdand who will be s good as him.
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