Fear is the numbr one setback in the lives of people. We are too scared to take a risk or too scared about what people ma ythink of us. The silly thing is fear is a state of mind.. I believe fear will control your life if you let it. Dont be afraid to take a risk or dont be afraid to do a spontaneous action you have always dreamed about. Letting fear hold you back will but so much regret into your life. I have a fear of my dreams crsashing and burning in front of me so I dont take action. If i dont take action how will I be able to ever accomplish my dream of traveling? I have been sick with an auto immune disease sand have to be on medicine and I have had surgery. The doctor told me I will probabbly have to have another surgery in my lifetime. I have let this disease set me back for two years. I have always wante to take a year of of college and travel but now I am sitting in the computer lab working away on my assigned work. I have let my dreams just rot. I have become my biggest fear. I am burning my dreams before tey evven take off. It is a ridiculous thing to be set back. I know I will have to take my medicine through infusion every eight weeks. But what am I foing with my life between those eight week periods? Nothing. I am very greatful for the ability to come to college but I want experience in the real world and I want to know how other people live. I have a heart to help others in need and I have always wanted to wither teach, practice medicine, or maintain an orphange in another country. I am in the United States but I dont see the problems around. I can go to poverty parts of the country and still make a difference like I would in other parts of the worls. I know I can travel short term but I am alsways in fear I will have a flare in different parts of the worls. I guess it all comes down to trust.
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