Friday, May 1, 2015


  • Which in class writing was your favorite? Why? My favorite in class writing was the one where we had to go out and observe people on their characteristics and personality using a number of words from each list. It opened up my writing to stop using generic words and words I commonly use. It helped me understand that my writing could be so much better and even more interesting when we don’t use the same words over and over.
  • Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why? My least favorite in class writing was the one on the different perspective from the short film. I like to look at things at how they appear to me rather than how others view things. It is definitely something I struggle with. I usually perceive things literally so it was a challenge and was hard to do.
  • Review all your writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three interesting observations or changes in your writing. Better description, not straightforward--instead of using is/are I was able to create imagery and use literary devices, deeper emotions--instead of writing what I think others will like i wrote real.  Which are the most profound (obvious and important)? Why? All of them are linked together and are profound. Being more descriptive eliminated the use of is/are as well. Using my emotions enabled me to use imagery.
  • If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it be? Why? My attitude. My attitude reflected through my writing and made it poor.
  • What did you like best about this course? The class was more conversational than lecture.
  • What did you like least about this course? The writing. Writing is one of my least favorite thing to do. I know i technically do it everyday but I just haven’t been a good writer since I was young.
  • What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a do-over? Really try to write from the beginning instead of waiting till mid/end of the semester.
  • What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this semester? It’s all about the attitude. I can do things as long as my attitude is right instead of thinking negatively and down because life didn’t work out like I wanted it to.
  • What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course? Maybe have more assignments so I could be sure and confident about my grade.
  • You begin this course with an engagement and participation score of an A.  Attendance, participation in activities and group work help you to maintain this grade.  Evaluate yourself and assign yourself a grade for the in class portion of this course.  Don’t forget the reasoning behind your self assigned grade. A. I believe I only missed one class. Although, sometimes in class I wouldn't always participate and write like I was suppose to be doing most of the time I did the work and participated..

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Petition for Pro-life

Student: Bethany Brauer
Professor: Meagan Akins
Sandbox, COM 105 122

Persuasive Speech

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to petition for pro-life.

Central Idea: By petitioning for pro-life, we as the youth can help save humans from being killed and stand for morality.

               I.              [attention] states, “From Roe v. Wade in 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions were performed in the United Stats – an average of about 1.4 million abortions per year.” 1.4 million babies are killed yearly.

            II.              The debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal choice continues to divide Americans long after the US Supreme Court’s decision on Roe V. Wade.
         III.              I know many people look at pro-life and see freedom taken away from a woman. But when I analyze abortion I see the rights taken away from the baby as well rights taken away from the father. With the issue of abortion, the fight for freedom represses others. I am here today, to be the voice for the unspeakable.

         IV.              I am not asking y’all to go out and grab your picket signs and protest abortion clinics and stand on streets yelling for pro-life. I am simply asking y’all to take action and help create change by signing a petition for Pro-life.

               I.              [NEED]

A.         I know many people look at pro-life and see freedom taken away from the mother. In Society, we believe that a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body which is true but when the moment the sperm and egg unite it is no longer only the woman's body. The baby has it's own rights as well. With pregnancy it is no longer just the mother who is affected but also another human, the fetus.

1.           National Geographic Channel aired a segment called “In the Womb” displaying what is going on as the fetus grows. The episode states, "The two cells gradually and gracefully become one. This is the moment of conception, when an individual's unique set of DNA is created, a human signature that never existed before and will never be repeated."

a.           No matter what a human is a human. Once the sperm and ovum unite together the fertilization of the ovum occurs and a new human life begins. Humans can only create another human.
B.         A New York Times article, “Abortion restrictions in the States” gives information on the amount of weeks it is legal to perform an abortion. The number of weeks ranges from 6 weeks and under to no restrictions at all. 1 state has a restriction of 6 weeks, 1 state has the restriction of 12 weeks, 2 states has the restriction of 20 weeks, 8 states has the restriction of 22 weeks, 26 states has the restriction of 24-26weeks, 3 states has a restriction of 28 weeks, and 9 states has no restrictions.
1.           On March 18th, a woman was lured into a basement responding to a craigslist offer on baby clothes. As she was in the basement 34 year Dynel Lane stabbed the 7 month nearly 8 month pregnant 26 year old mother removing the fetus. Since Colorado has no restrictions on abortion, this crime cannot be considered a homicide. Fox news reports “Lane is being held on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder, first-degree assault and child abuse knowingly and recklessly resulting in death.” Although Lane has many charged against her, not only the murdered baby but as well as the baby’s mother and family will never be given the deserved justice.
C.         The size of a fetus and the fact that it can’t live outside the mother’s womb does not justify abortion.  
1.           The fact is, we all continue to go until our early twenties. A toddler nor a five year old can be self-sufficient either, but does that justify the murder of a two year old or a five year old? So what is the difference?

D.         On my survey I asked, "In your opinion, what would be a reason(s) an abortion should be performed?" some of y'all answered with "if the baby or mom wouldn't make it, unwanted/unplanned pregnancy, or if the mom can't support the baby financially" but the most common answer was if the women was raped. Adoption is a choice anyone can make. America’s Adoption Agency says “For a woman, unexpectedly learning that she is pregnant can be one of the most stressful times she can ever endure. The pregnancy can halt her education, career and other goals she may have. Furthermore, she may not have the finances of a partner in her life to help raise the child, making her situation more difficult.”

1.           In all of these answers abortion is not the only solution. A pregnancy is not a "either-or fallacy" there is another choice besides abortion, the baby can be given up for adoption.

a.           Rape is a serious thing and it can cause serious psychological problems and can result in pregnancy. Taking a horrible, unfair crime and being given something you didn't ask for may seem scary but committing a tragedy out of a tragedy is not the only answer. Giving a baby up for adoption not only saves a life but it also gives others the chance to have a child.

            II.              [Satisfaction]  As a younger generation, we can stand for individual rights of all ages and of all sizes – we can stand for all humans – the ones that can voice their opinion and the one’s who voice needs to be spoken through others. We can encourage pro-life and stand up for life by petitioning.

         III.              [Visualization] Some of y’all may be wondering does petitioning really work? It is a fair question to ask. says politicians care about public opinion and “petitions are often the best indicator politicians will receive of where the public stands on the issue.” By signing a petition, you can save a life. You can save a number of the 1.4 million babies aborted every year. You could be the one signature needed to make a change.


               I.              [ Action] I am urging you to take a stand. Take a stand for the sanctity of life, take a stand for the unborn, take a stand for the ones that need support, and take a stand for the innocent conceived in violence.

            II.              Save a life, petition for pro-life. Thank you.

Live without regret

Bethany Brauer
Professor Anthony
ENG 101-110
20 February 2015
Live without Regret
            It was my first year at a new school, I should have been enjoying basketball season and hanging out with friends like a normal sixteen year old. Instead, I was in the children’s hospital.  I had been anemic and receiving iron infusion but all the doctors I had been to were never able to figure out why I was so anemic. I was experiencing awful pain in my abdomen so I had an ultra sound done, which they then determined that my appendix bursts and I had an awful infection in my intestines. I believe in hope.
            I had around
            Through all the pain, the sleepless nights, and isolation of the hospital walls I remained hopeful. I always had friends and family visit me.
            My body went through so many changes.

            The scar down my stomach reminds me each and every day that through every twist and turn in life I have one thing to hold on to, hope. Hope gives me strength and faith that good things are to come. 

Speech Evaluation-Cuture

Bethany Brauer
COM 105-122
Instructor Akin
18 March 2015
Cultural Speech Assessment
            This cultural speech was definitely a tough one. That was truly embarrassing. I knew the information but it was not the topic for me. I am clearly not a history teacher and wasn’t really sure how to get the information across. My Cultural Speech had many flaws compared to my strengths. I felt as if the speech was very choppy, did not flow well, and I couldn’t hold the audiences attention. On the bright side, I thought I maintained a good voice level throughout the speech.
            One of my major weaknesses was the lack of preparation before my speech. I had every intention of studying and bettering my speech over spring break but that did not happen. The night before speech I only read over my speech once, I didn’t practice aloud I only said it in my head. Before speech class I chose to watch 90210 because I was nervous and I knew it would relax me. Not preparing for my speech led to many mistakes throughout my speech. I didn’t make good eye contact because I had to read off my cards and I had written so much on my cards because I didn’t get to know my speech very well. Next time I will e prepared. I will give myself a time crunch on when everything must be done including my written note cards. This way I will be able to get to know my cards and rewrite my cards to condense the information on each card. Without having to read my cards line by line next time I will hopefully succeed in the way I show my interest for my topic.
I am passionate about Moldova and have a love for the country but I did not portray my passion to the audience. I did not pick a very good topic for myself to deliver. I am not a history teacher nor do I desire to be a history teacher. I should have picked another topic involving Moldova instead of doing the history. The organization was in chronological order but the information I gave may have been confusing for those who didn’t know much about the Russo-Turkish war, Romania, and the Soviet Union. I could tell that on the occasional times I looked up that people were lost and not interested. In my next speech I will strive to make my speech interesting and relevant to all. Instead of the audience listening to a speaker reading off her note cards on some boring, not so well put together speech.
            Another weakness was the use of my slide show. I used pictures that may not have been necessary. Even though I had “turn slide on” and “turn slide off” on my notecard I didn’t pay any attention to it. I would forget and once I turned my slide on, I didn’t present it well at all. It was like an awkward pause and I wasn’t really sure how to explain it. I just assumed people would get what was going on. Next time I will be more studious and practice my visual aids and be able to explain what the visual aid clearly.
            The only positives I could get from my speech was my voice, the fact that I put a blank space between each slide, and my time. I thought that I did an okay job at changing my voice and projecting well throughout my speech. Even though I did not use my slide show well I at least had the blank slides in between. I also did well on the time. I owe that to my experience in Moldova. In my conclusion I put some pictures and talked about the meaning of them. Even though that was rough, it helped me get through the speech in the time limit.
            In conclusion, I have more weaknesses than strengths in public speaking. Although I am a weak speaker I now know that I need to prepare, make more eye contact, reduce what is written on my cards, show passion for the topic, maintain the audiences attention, and pick a topic I will be more interesting while speaking. I chose to procrastinate and it greatly influenced the ay I delivered my speech. Even though I need to improve a lot by the next speech and am embarrassed about this speech I now know not what to do next time.

Court Case

Korematsu v. United States -- 1944
In the state of war and the ongoing fear of espionage and sabotage, the Commanding General of the Western Defense ordered American citizens of Japanese descent to be removed from West Coast military areas. After May 9, 1942 all Americans of Japanese descent were to be removed from these West Coast military areas. An American citizen remained in his San Leandro, California home despite the Civilian Exclusion Oder No. 34. The petitioner was convicted in federal court and appealed his case. In Nineteen-forty two, the Supreme Court viewed his case.
Majority Opinion:
Mr. Justice Black delivered the opinion of the court. He stated, “It should be noted, to begin with, that all legal restrictions which curtail the civil rights of a single racial group are immediately suspect. That is not to say that all such restrictions are unconstitutional.” The Supreme Court justified the fact that a race was single handedly sought out and punished for the acts of war Japan committed. The removal from designated areas was a precaution to prevent acts of sabotage and espionage. In a sense, the Supreme Court ruled that those who did not comply with the removal were in fact of those who were committing the crimes because they refused to show their loyalty to the United States by readily and willingly able to move to the camps. The question brought to the table was whether or not Congress had too much power and justification to discriminate against a nationality. Mr. Justice Black also stated, “We cannot say that the war-making branches of the Government did not have ground for believing that, in a critical hour, such persons could not readily be isolated and separately dealt with, and constituted a menace to the national defense and safety which demanded that prompt and adequate measures be taken to guard against it.” The ruling of Korematsu v. United States largely took the nations protection in the verdict based upon a number of Japanese Americans’ allegiance to Japan. The case was limited to evacuation of military areas because Korematsu committed that crime. Evacuation was seen as an act of prevention from another attack rather than an act of discrimination. To protect the nation from another act of attack and to prevent harm happening from within the country, the majority ruling was in favor of Congress rather than the petitioners. 
My opinion on how this case decision affects society:
 The United States of America is home to many nationalities but as citizens we stand together as a whole. United States citizens shouldn’t be persecuted because the actions of war their home country committed. I agree, in a vulnerable state of war we need to be aware of acts of espionage and sabotage but the actions need to be justified not based on nationality alone. It is too far fetched to look at a nationality as a whole and label them as a threat to the United States. So, in my opinion, the Supreme Court should not have ruled against the petitioner, Korematsu. Today, even though the United States isn’t officially in war the Supreme Court ruling does not protect immigrants and descendants of Arabs from segregation and removal from their homes. People of Arabic decent are not protected from the eviction from their home and the replaced to camps. It is sad, but the views of people do change in times of war. I know in every case there are traitors, we live in an imperfect world where war and strife will always exist but that does not give others the right to discipline the innocent because of the guilty. It is important to understand that even in times of anger and the overwhelming feeling to correct the wrong of a country by punishing the people of that nationality has no justification. The Supreme Court ruling to me also iterates that all people of the same nationality or ethnicity are the same. It does not destroy stereotypes and discrimination in fact, it justifies them.  

Personal definitions of words in context

The bubbly friend yells “Heyoo hoes” as she walks closer to her friends. Her mood instantly changes to happy. Happiness overwhelms her and her friends as they catch up from a long summer break. They tell each other about their shopping, and another showing off her rad seashell. The group of girls can be characterized as the most indecisive, misfit girls around town. They rarely pick anything to do so they usually just sit around and talk. This much talking leads to gossiping. The girls know who loathes who, each and every strength and weakness of each other, when the others are going through hard time. They talk and laugh look up to the sky as they eat sandwiches. The girls gain their sassiness and become cray cray around each other.  Although they are dainty, they have raw power that they gained through change and the weak times in their lives. They are a stacked clique and alone they do not qualify alone but as a whole each girl brings a beastly aspect to form the group into a perfect circle. The danky friendship is pure fire to each individual.

The Heart and the Fist

What is the purpose(s) of the text and who is the audience?
The purpose of the text is to inspire and give hope to those who are not sure about what to do with their life. Throughout the book you see Greitens chapter by chapter go through the chapters of his life trying to figure out what he wanted to do. He tried a numerous of things, gone to many countries and finally found his calling as a navy seal. I think he is sharing his story to help people understand that when you firast head into the adult world your plans may not be the plans you were meant for. We just need to take a step back and help others to find who we are.

The audience is generated towards younger adults and also vets or people who had gone through what he had